A man of determinationby Zhuge Liang Islam
Defiantly facing insurmountable odds
Burning with righteous spirit like this red sunlight
With resolute courage
With an uncompromising character
With the broadest mind
With a far-sighted vision
I vow to achieve my ambition:
To be a good MuslimIn order to be a good Muslim
Every day I must push myself
The righteous spirit of Islam
burns brighter than the sun.Mind and body yield their power for me to gather
Let me fight for my own destiny
Towards my ideals I will charge
Witness the azure waves, tall and vigorous,
and the azure skies, as broad and vast as my indomitable spirit
I am a man of strength and determinationTo be a good Muslim
I raise my righteous and courageous spirit
Burning brighter than the sun.My ambition to be a good Muslim
ignites a hundred spirits;
shines outwards like a thousand spectra.